August 23rd, 2020
by Athena Merry
These are all 35mm photos documenting my life since lockdown began in early March. This is the summer before I go to college, and I’m trying to fully take in my interactions and experiences. Many of these photos were taken in casual settings because I wanted to capture moments when it felt like my friends were truly happy. I felt lucky to see them experiencing those feelings. I've been experiencing things more intensely than usual in isolation and in trying to find balance, and in turn I’ve been taking a lot of photos to try and process my surroundings. Most of these were taken within walking distance of my house, which was an area I had never really explored until quarantine.

Athena Merry is an 18-year-old photographer from Indianapolis. In a few weeks, she is moving to study photography in Chicago. She likes to cover her walls with art by women.